Information System Solutions, Inc. Information System Solutions, Inc.

Consulting Services

ISS provides professional consulting services for large or small organizations.

Application Development

ISS has experience in the design and development of client/server and Web-based business applications. This includes selection of the most appropriate development tools as well as consideration for other vital infrastructure pieces such as application servers, database servers, and the networks connecting the users to these servers.

Application Integration

Your organization might own several different applications for different functions, but the true value of those programs can be unleashed when software is added to help those programs share data directly. ISS specializes in developing software that helps you get more from your investment in those applications by eliminating manual data entry, making your data more accessible, and automating routine tasks.

Servers and Virtualization

Every organization needs to have servers that share files and run the applications that help you run your business. ISS can help optimize your Windows server environment at either the software level or the hardware level. Virtualization with VMware vSphere can reduce the cost of running all of those servers by moving them to a small number of more powerful machines with better utilization of CPU horsepower, memory, and disk storage.

Voice and Data Networking

Networks tie everything - and everyone - together. ISS has experience with data networking, security firewalls, and Cisco Voice-over-IP (VoIP) telephone systems.